
WHAT IS ssl certificate from Wikipedia

WHAT IS ssl certificate from Wikipedia
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    ويكيبيديا-ويكيبيديا-الموسوعة الحرة-Wikipedia- the free encyclopedia-ssl certificate-ssl certificate free-ssl certificate ماهى-ssl certificate wiki-ssl certificate شرح-WHAT IS ssl certificate from Wikipedia
    WHAT IS ssl certificate from Wikipedia

    ويكيبيديا  هي

    مشروع موسوعة متعددة اللغات، مبنية على الويب، ذات محتوى حر، تشغلها مؤسسة ويكيميديا، التي هي منظمة غير ربحية. ويكيبيديا هي موسوعة يمكن لأي مستخدم تعديل وتحرير وإنشاء مقالات جديدة فيها. وقد لاحظنا من سنوات عديدة عند إجراء بحث عن أى معلومة على الإنترنت تجد النتائج الموجودة فى ويكيبيديا فى مقدمة نتائج البحث.

    تعريف شهادة ال SSL  فى ويكيبديا:

    WHAT IS ssl certificate from Wikipedia

    SSL Certificate is:

    a self-signed certificate is an identity certificate that is signed by the same entity whose identity it certifies. This term has nothing to do with the identity of the person or organization that actually performed the signing procedure. In technical terms a self-signed certificate is one signed with its own private key.
    In typical public key infrastructure (PKI) arrangements, a digital signature from a certificate authority (CA) attests that a particular public key certificate is valid (i.e., contains correct information). Users, or their software on their behalf, check that the private key used to sign some certificate matches the public key in the CA's certificate. Since CA certificates are often signed by other, "higher ranking," CAs, there must necessarily be a highest CA, which provides the ultimate in attestation authority in that particular PKI scheme.
    Obviously, the highest-ranking CA's certificate can't be attested by some other higher CA (there being none), and so that certificate can only be "self-signed." Such certificates are also termed root certificates. Clearly, the lack of mistakes or corruption in the issuance of such certificates is critical to the operation of its associated PKI; they should be, and generally are, issued with great care


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